How to Start a Capital Project Request

Starting a capital improvement project request involves the completion of the request for Campus Approval for Capital Project or Feasibility Study Request referred to as an “Exhibit 1.” A “Net Zero Growth Space Policy Letter” and “Variance Approval Request” may also be needed as part of this process. 

The Exhibit 1 form requests foundational project information, funding sources, proposed scheduling, and includes an updated budgeting rate table to develop initial cost estimates.

The Net Zero Growth Space Policy Letter and/or Variance Request Form are required in addition to the Exhibit 1 if a project will result in a net increase in gross square footage of the premises and facilities owned, leased, occupied or otherwise controlled by the university on behalf of the Urbana campus.  As part of this document, a justification and proposed space credit offered by the unit are requested in accordance with the Campus Administrative Manual Net Zero Growth Space Policy.

Please follow the following steps for the submittal of each document
Note: Some information to be listed in the Exhibit 1 may be used again in the Net Zero Growth Space Policy Letter or the Variance Request Form, where applicable.

Exhibit 1

1. Save the form
2. Fill out the required areas
3. Prepare the following required attachments
    (1) Academic program statement
    (2) Relationship to mission and long range planning
    (3) Alternatives considered
    (4) Existing and projected: personnel; student enrollment; student contact hours; research funding
    (5) Summary of existing space inventory (indicate Net Zero Growth justification if required)
    (6) Donor feasibility (Associate Chancellor for Development)

4. Acquire director/department head signature on the form and provide a requestor signature
5. Obtain additional signatures as may be required on the form per delegated authority
6. Save a finalized file for your records
7. Send the completed form and attachments to:

Net Zero Space Growth Policy

1. Save the form
2. Fill out the required areas
3. Provide a requestor name, title, and unit (dean, director, or department head)
4. Save a finalized file for your records
5. Send the completed form and any corresponding attachments (as necessary) to: Associate Provost for Capital Planning Paul Redman

Variance Request Form

1. Save the form
2. Fill out the required areas
3. Save a finalized file for your records
4. Send the completed form and any corresponding attachments (as necessary) to:
5. Variance Process Committee members will provide approval or denial

Next Steps

1. Program/Scope Statement (Exhibit 2)
    This is a document prepared by the F&S assigned Planner or Project Manager. It is to provide clear criteria which the program shall achieve for the project to be considered successful. The specific performance requirements are given as minimum criteria to allow the design team flexibility. This document is routed for review and approval by the Unit requesting the project as well as other uuniversity stakeholders involved the project.        

2. Project Funding Commitment (Exhibit 3) 
    This is a document signed by the appropriate authority identifying the source of the funds for the project.