Temperature Extremes

High temperatures and humidity stress the body's ability to cool itself, and heat illness becomes a special concern during hot weather. Although these conditions are most prevalent in the summer, working in any hot environment, including an unventilated room, can present heat-related hazards.

Exposure to freezing and cold temperatures for extended periods of time may cause serious health problems such as trench foot, frostbite and hypothermia. In extreme cases, including cold water submersion, exposure can lead to death. Employees working outside in the winter months and those working walk-in freezers are especially vulnerable.

Safety and Compliance can conduct hazard evaluations of temperature extreme environments, make recommendations for engineering and administrative controls, provide training, and assist campus units in creating written programs and site-specific Standard Operating Procedures to protect employees against temperature extremes.

Heat Stress Workplace Hazard Review
OSHA Cold Stress Equation