President's House Geothermal Analysis

This is an ongoing analysis of the feasibility of installing a geothermal system at the President’s House in Urbana, Illinois. The 14,000 square-foot Georgian Revival home is a residence for the University of Illinois president and family, as well as a receiving point for visiting dignitaries, alumni, community groups, and supporters. It was designed by the University of Illinois architect James M. White and New York architect Charles A. Platt. Completed in 1931, the President's House has served as the official residence for the head of the University of Illinois, beginning with President Harry Woodburn Chase.

The elements of house’s HVAC, heating, and cooling systems are at the end of their expected lifespan; therefore, it was recommended that the systems be replaced. The study considered two geothermal systems. Facilities & Services hired a mechanical engineering firm to perform a life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA) to evaluate the proposed alternatives. 
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The study includes two phases 

(1) Conceptual Phase to produce a manual including LCCA general requirements and comparison of the proposed alternatives to the baseline HVAC system

(2) Design Phase, which includes design services which will: 
     - achieve an optimized design for the geothermal field
     - incorporate existing technical information to develop an initial borefield design
     - propose a mechanism/system to display real-time measurements from the geothermal field

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