Help Cleanup Champaign County at Boneyard Creek Community Day

Mar 31, 2022


F&S is a proud cosponsor of Boneyard Creek Community Day (BCCD) 2022 on Saturday, April 9, from 9 a.m. to noon (rain date: April 23). The event begins at Scott Park (207 E. Springfield Avenue, Champaign) and includes lunch, music, and educational displays following the cleanup.

Sign up now at The online registration deadline is April 2 at 5 p.m., but walk-up volunteers will also be welcomed on the day of the event.

Why is the event needed?
BCCD is a way to celebrate and protect lakes and streams in Champaign County by engaging volunteers to pitch in and clean. Litter looks bad; it clogs storm drains, causing local flooding; and it ends up in receiving streams, harming aquatic life. This event helps remind us to be responsible citizens and put trash in its place.

What should I wear?
Dress to work outside and make sure your attire doesn't include open-toed shoes. Some projects may involve getting into the creek. Participants taking on those tasks should wear waterproof boots. Please bring a refillable water bottle and wear your orange Boneyard shirt from a previous year if you already have one.

For more information about potential weather-related delays/postponement, visit the Facebook event or website on the morning of the cleanup.