Upcoming Sixth Street Closures

Feb 20, 2019
Sixth Street Closure

Ongoing high-rise construction on Green Street at the southeast corner of Sixth Street will necessitate a periodic road closure of Sixth Street, between Green Street and John Street, on multiple dates during February and March. The associated intersections will remain open for east/west traffic.

These closures will impact members of the campus community who regularly travel or park in this general area, with significant construction traffic expected at these times. The west sidewalk along Sixth Street, between Green Street and John Street, will remain open and accessible throughout the entire project.

The first closure will occur Friday, Feb. 22 from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Please visit the City of Champaign Public Works for future closure updates.

During this period, City of Champaign staff will continue to coordinate with contractors to minimize the length of closures and to ensure that traffic control is maintained. For questions, contact Public Works, 403-4700.