2013 Summer Construction Projects

Aug 06, 2013
Summer Construction on the Urbana-Champaign Campus
CHAMPAIGN, IL (August 6, 2013) – The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign will experience a wide range of improvements to campus infrastructure this summer. Facilities & Services is involved with more than 30 major projects which will be under construction while most of the students are away.

The Maintenance, Construction, and Grounds crews will be busy throughout the summer and into the fall improving the physical environment by repairing classrooms, renovating buildings, reconstructing roadways, and planting trees, shrubs, and perennials.

Funding for these projects is provided from a variety of sources. Select projects are supported through student fees such as the Academic Facility Maintenance Fee Assessment (AFMFA) or as part of a program initiative to improve instructional space across campus. Several energy conservation projects will be completed this summer as well.

For a list of construction and capital projects, please see the attached map. Additional information about the specific projects is available upon request.