Volunteer at Boneyard Creek Community Day

Feb 25, 2020

(March 16, 2020 Update): Due to the spread of COVID-19, the Boneyard Creek Community Day is canceled.

2020 Boneyard Creek Community Day

The 15th annual Boneyard Creek Community Day is scheduled for Saturday, April 18, 2020. Boneyard Creek Community Day is a way to celebrate and protect our local waterways through cleanup and educational activities.

Individuals of all ages can participate with work sites varying from projects in the creek to those more suitable for children. After the clean-up activities, lunch will be served at Scott Park in Champaign, where there will also be music, interactive learning displays and information on the campus storm water program.

Register at www.boneyardcreek.org by Saturday, April 11.

What should I wear?

Dress to work outside and do not wear open-toed shoes. Some projects may involve getting into the creek. Those participants should wear boots. Please bring a refillable water bottle, and please wear your orange Boneyard shirt from a previous year if you have one.

If you don't want to keep your orange shirt, please return it to us at the end of the event in the bins at Scott Park.

Why are we doing this?

Boneyard Creek Community Day is a way to celebrate and protect our lakes and streams by engaging volunteers to pitch in and clean. Litter clogs storm drains, causing local flooding and ends up in receiving streams harming aquatic life. This event also helps achieve one of the campus stormwater program Public Involvement Best Management Practice requirements.