Spring Facility Liaison Meeting Recap

Jun 12, 2018


Results are on the F&S website at http://fs.illinois.edu/divisions/CRC/initiative

 Pam Voitik, Interim Director of Operations, Maintenance & Alterations

This is the first time the Sightlines standard survey format was used to benchmark against peer institutions in the Big Ten. The survey, completed by 375 individuals, focused on building maintenance, custodial services, and grounds. Campus expectation levels are high, and 71% say F&S met or exceeded expectations. We will be able to better track and evaluate response to our service efforts going forward from this baseline.

Building cleanliness, overall building comfort, and campus-wide assessment of grounds all received high average values from respondents. One of the highlights was the favorable rating given the quality of water fountains on campus. F&S will continue to update more fountains with water bottle fillers (handle spout additions) and address customer comments on specific units in need of an upgrade.

The University of Illinois operates below the majority of peers in the Campus Inspection Index, a composite score of select facility groupings from different campuses reviewed by Sightlines. The index represents how building and asset conditions contribute to service-related feedback and challenges identified in the customer survey results.

Overall, both Building Maintenance and Building Services performed well in the survey – work meeting expectations and timeliness once work has begun. One area for improvement identified was scheduling notification. F&S is in the process of transitioning to more handheld technology to better connect staff with work order software. The increased use of tablets and smartphones by craftspeople in the field will improve service work, project communications, and the amount of information staff can access on-site (customer notes, room locations, asset information). Upcoming my.FS Portal (http://my.fs.illinois.edu/) changes will be made so that the most appropriate individual for Crafts & Trades to contact is entered on each work order. The information will be required before a service request can be submitted, and F&S staff will be trained to respond back to that person. 


Building Maintenance
Aesthetic Improvements – Simple upgrades such as replacing ceiling titles benefit the appearance of facilities. These types of basic repairs are being made as resources become available. F&S will continue to look for ways to improve facility aesthetics while remaining focused on the upkeep and repair of building infrastructure and systems through preventive and regular maintenance.

Division of Responsibility (DoR) Update –The DoR Guidelines, referred to as the “Boilerplate,” (https://cam.illinois.edu/policies/fo-29/) will be updated and returned to a simplified format that removes examples. Keeping the document foundational will benefit specific DoR discussions and help clarify who should be responsible for operation and maintenance items not covered by the Boilerplate. The Office of the Provost will play a critical role in helping shape future discussions for questions of financial responsibility raised between units and F&S.

College Facility Meetings – The Building Maintenance department will begin to hold quarterly meetings with college leadership to help determine work prioritization. These meetings will foster an open dialogue and identify where the customer prefers resources to be allocated.


Building Services

First Floors (hallway, bathroom, entryways) – These locations receive the most traffic and improving the cleanliness of high-visibility areas helps make a lasting impression.

Floor Work – Floor work is again being performed when resources are available. Although there are no longer enough resources for dedicated floor crews, conversations with units will help determine priority areas for this work aimed at increasing the life expectancy of flooring.

BSW Staffing Levels – Custodial-staffing levels fell to around 260 individuals several years ago during the campus hiring freeze. F&S is actively engaged in a continuous BSW hiring process to return staff levels to the 300 to 310 range. Right now, overtime is being used to cover shift openings at various facilities until more BSWs are hired.

BSW assignments are bid and awarded by seniority. When moves occur, the vacated areas are then transitioned to swing positions. Building Services supervisors are reviewing custodial services at the building level, before BSWs assume cleaning responsibilities at a facility, to make sure expectations for cleanliness are addressed during staff adjustments. Building Services supervisors can also meet with facility staff to develop updated action plans based on departmental and unit cleaning priorities, including evaluating shift assignments. Building Services does have an emergency response crew, and supervisory staff should be notified if conditions arise for immediate action.



Beautification - Flowers are back in campus gateways and priority landscape areas such as the Main Quad will continue to receive significant resources and attention.

Tree Replacement – Approximately 400 trees on campus infected with the Emerald Ash Borer have been removed and are being replaced as time and resources permit.


New Area Funds – Campus discussions surrounding new area funds will occur for new facility construction or with major renovations and additions to buildings. The shift by campus and the Office of the Provost to Integrated & Value-Centered Budgeting (https://provost.illinois.edu/budget/budget-reform/integrated-value-centered-budgeting/) will also impact this area moving forward.

BSWs Collective Bargaining Agreement - BSWs are covered under a collective bargaining agreement with Service Employees International Union that states work will not be outsourced in any building where BSWs have previously performed work. This is a university level agreement in effect through August 2019.

Shop Contacts  
– The F&S Service Office fsserviceoffice@illinois.edu, 333-0340, is the first point of contact for service requests (after normal business hours calls are transferred to Public Safety dispatch),

Once a work order is in progress for updates, please contact the following:

Building Maintenance - Repairs, preventive maintenance, or shop work:
FandS OMA Planning Group fandsmpg@mx.uillinois.edu, 300-5859. Maintenance planners will provide a status update and can help follow up with shop supervisory staff.

Construction Services - Contact the project coordinator directly who submitted the bid or is overseeing the project:
FandS Contractor Services fandscontractorservices@mx.uillinois.edu or director of Construction Services Dave Dowler djdowler@illinois.edu, 244-3870.

Temperature Control - Utilities & Energy Services staff in the Energy Management Control Center are also able to answer questions regarding hot/cold issues:
FandS Energy Command fandsenergycomm@illinois.edu, 244-1894.

Maintenance Zones
– The decision to transition from the maintenance zones was made in 2016 due to budgetary concerns. The positive feedback regarding on-site zone response and staff knowledge of the facilities is appreciated. F&S instituted maintenance zones to emphasize providing excellent customer care, and that commitment continues.


Jim Sims, Acting Director of Engineering & Construction Services

Access to the University Facilities Standards is at http://go.fs.illinois.edu/facilitiesstandards

University Facilities Standards provide guidance and direction to the professional designers (architects and engineers) on construction projects to assist with conformance of code and life safety requirements as well as campus goals such as providing reliable and comfortable facilities which maximize human productivity in the university’s teaching, research, and engagement endeavors; and achieving sustainable and energy conservation initiatives. With the ever-increasing technological advancements in the market, it is important that the University Facilities Standards are kept as up-to-date as possible to ensure that these standards continue to contribute positively to the mission of the University.

Thus, the university is now reviewing and updating the University Facilities Standards on an annual basis. Right now, there is an open review period through Friday, June 15.  Send your proposed changes or comments regarding the University Facilities Standards to facilitiesstandards@illinois.edu. If your comment is submitted outside of an open review period, your input will be reviewed at the close of the following open review period. Comments are welcome from faculty, staff, and students across campus.


Jeremy Neighbors, Assistant Director, Safety and Compliance (SandC)

Reporting Public Sector Fatalities, Hospitalizations, Amputations or Loss of an Eye (includes Heart-Attacks) https://www2.illinois.gov/idol/Laws-Rules/safety/Pages/Public_Reporting.aspx

Injury Reporting – If someone in your unit experiences a hospitalization while at work, the reporting timeframe is within 24 hours for an incident (eight hours for a fatality). Hospitalization means admittance. The Occupational Safety and Health department (OSH) within SandC is responsible for reporting it to Illinois OHSA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), and Claims Management is responsible for reporting it to Central Management Services. A CAM policy is being drafted in this area.

Program Implementation – OSH is in the process of identifying college-/unit-level contacts to assist with safety and health program implementation and to provide feedback on safety initiatives before implementation. The Respiratory Protection Program will be the first program that we utilize this system for implementation. A Request for Respirator Use must be submitted for any individual wanting to wear a respirator. Fill out an online form at http://www.fs.illinois.edu/services/safety-and-compliance/employee-safety-health/respiratory-protection.

Data Management – The implementation of a new environmental, health, and safety tracking software will improve long-term campus access to safety data. Types of information that will be tracked include air monitoring logs, injury trends, and safety assessment findings. At this time, this system will not have a connection to the Division of Research (DRS) laboratory audit system.

Laboratory Equipment Maintenance SOP - The OSHA Hazard Communication standard requires us to communicate to employees what they are being exposed to. The SOP is used to capture hazard information and communicate the hazards and required measures to the employees doing the work.  The data in the DRS database is not granular enough to perform the assessment without communication with the requesting unit, and SandC lacks access to the DRS database at this time.

Indoor Air Quality Testing – Send test requests to oshs@illinois.edu.  We will identify any parameters that would give us an issue. Initial direct-read air quality monitoring that can be performed at no cost includes indicator parameters of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, relative humidity, temperature, and dust – beyond that; there are laboratory fees associated which would be a departmental responsibility. Tests for volatile organic compounds and other items are possible, but any costs would be departmental responsibility.