FY15 UIUC Energy Report Available

Oct 28, 2015
Energy report to inform campus leadership and management teams of the progress made toward meeting campus sustainability goals

Facilities & Services Utilities and Energy Services Division publishes an energy report to inform campus leadership and management teams of the progress made toward meeting campus sustainability goals outlined in the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP). The FY15 UIUC Energy Report summarizes usage cost and energy intensity cost and usage for all building space allocated to 28 department and administrative campus units based on utility data compiled from the Energy Billing System database. The report covers the Energy Utilization Index (BTUs per GSF), comparisons with UIUC building types, and historical energy consumption trends by year for each department or unit. The trends are further broken down by type of commodity used.

For a detailed look at campus energy cost and utilization, see the FY15 UIUC Energy Report.