Suggestions for Revolving Loan Fund

Sep 25, 2013
Details about the RLF can be found on the iCAP Portal and in the attached fact sheet.
The 2013 Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) selection process has begun.  The RLF can fund medium payback utility conservation projects, involving energy, water, or chilled water on campus  (examples of RLF projects are the campus lighting retrofit and the installation of occupancy sensors).  Launched in 2011 as a part of the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP), the RLF fully funds projects and is paid back over time from the associated cost avoidance.  Details about the RLF can be found on the iCAP Portal and in the attached fact sheet.  Project suggestions will be accepted through October 7.  See  Please direct any questions to Morgan Johnston 217-333-2668