Expanded BSW Early Day Shift

Aug 08, 2013
Responses to a recent customer survey conducted were very positive.

BSWResponses to a recent customer survey conducted by Building Services regarding the Early Day Shift program were very positive. Facility contacts reported an increased number of favorable comments about the improved conditions of their buildings.

March 18, the Early Day Shift was expanded to buildings west of the Quad and on the Engineering Campus to the north. Coverage has increased from 1.2M square feet to 3M as the self-directed work teams now include 62 BSWs in a total of 30 buildings.

The expanded BSW Early Shift includes a swing position on each team to perform floor work.  A new floor process for Lincoln Hall and the Henry Administration Building is environmentally friendly, using synthetic industrial diamond floor pads that require no chemical strippers or finishes.

For more information, visit Custodial Services